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About the Author, About the Website

Devon Yanvary has worked as a part-time reporter for The Westfield Leader since 2014. In 2015, she earned a Bachelor's in English (and a Minor in Psychology) from Kean University. She graduated cum laude and belongs to Sigma Tau Delta, Lambda Alpha Sigma and Alpha Epsilon Lambda. In 2016, she graduated from the Nathan Weiss Graduate College with a Master's in English. 
She has also worked on a variety of digital projects, such as AfterWords (a peer-collaboration piece on the personal significance of writing) and runs a personal book review website in her spare time. Ms. Yanvary can be reached via Twitter @devonlovesdinos.
While she hopes to one day have enough time to write a novel, Ms. Yanvary plans to become a college professor so that she may inspire students the way her teachers inspired her.
This website serves as the final presentation for Ms. Devon Yanvary's thesis work on censorship and book banning, and is dedicated to Jeffrey Lih, beloved grandfather of Ms. Yanvary, who passed in November of 2016. In addition to working as

a computer programmer and a college professor, Mr. Lih still found time to play computer games with his granddaughter, attempt to teach her math and provide unconditional love and support. He was an inspiration to his family and he will be sorely missed.

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